Polo House
This came out of nowhere. We won the house champion for the 2010 road run. Oh my 天 can you believe it? We kept hearing Byron, Bryon, Byron on the price presentation but who would have expected that we would still win? Polo house for God-knows-how-many consecutive years have we made a complete sweep of any possible house championship. Inter house game, aiyah that one no need to say, we got as many 1st place as we can. House cheering, fun bun we win again, and road run. Polo house may have the ugliest color but I feel honored to be part of it.
And one more thing, this sentence from Mr William Chan motivated me to the max: "MOE will personally write to the university you are applying for, stating that you have completed China Studies in English for 'A' Levels, Only you and no one else." OMG can you believe it? Imagine how useful and powerful it is when UCL or NUS see this letter.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Friday, February 5, 2010
Level of screwedness: 47.9%
Hope of kicking back to JC1: 23.1%
I'm so screwed. It is today that I wonder why did I choose both China Studies AND Art. They are really killing the shit out of me. China Studies Proposal stage is already sickening and then there was Art, a subject that is brain-draining me. I'm almost out of ideas!!!!!! Sleeping at 2-3 am everyday for 2 weeks is hell, I experience it and I know. Art especially, personally I think I suck at it, really. I'm not an abstract person so I can't really think of any good ideas to put on my preperatory boards. I think my main problem is the complexity of my prep works. It sucks serisouly and I swear I will work for as long as it goes until I can get it correct. People say you've got to work on double on things you are not good at so, yeah I guess its another 3-4 weeks of 4hr sleep/day. Thankfully I'm not an OGL if not I'm 99.99% screwed.
Dear Lord, I sincerely hope that things will change for the better, Amen
Hope of kicking back to JC1: 23.1%
I'm so screwed. It is today that I wonder why did I choose both China Studies AND Art. They are really killing the shit out of me. China Studies Proposal stage is already sickening and then there was Art, a subject that is brain-draining me. I'm almost out of ideas!!!!!! Sleeping at 2-3 am everyday for 2 weeks is hell, I experience it and I know. Art especially, personally I think I suck at it, really. I'm not an abstract person so I can't really think of any good ideas to put on my preperatory boards. I think my main problem is the complexity of my prep works. It sucks serisouly and I swear I will work for as long as it goes until I can get it correct. People say you've got to work on double on things you are not good at so, yeah I guess its another 3-4 weeks of 4hr sleep/day. Thankfully I'm not an OGL if not I'm 99.99% screwed.
Dear Lord, I sincerely hope that things will change for the better, Amen