Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Another wonderful day given by the lord. I really appreciated it as this may be the best day I've ever had since a long time. Haha. Ok so me and my art friend completed a sculpture for the competition (picture on left). Although we do not hold much hope for winning the prize but we feel that we have done a fantastic job ourselves and we are happy! Hell Yeah!!!!! Also as some of you will know, I've created a crap blog called yahoo-woo.blogspot.com. Do visit it as it will provide you with inspirations =D

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ok folks I hate to admit it but; my pursuit of my fairy is becoming more and more difficult. Or rather I would say, impossible. I really hate to admit this fact but sadly this is the truth. Judging from the time left and the fact that shes going to step down soon, I have only one chance left. But even if it succeeds, I don't think we'll get together. But as long as that chance has not left me, I will still strive for it. Remember, I'm the person who can make the impossible possible. JC workload is increasing like emails in my mailbox. However, I must thank god for everything he has given so far, really.

Destiny speaks, fate executes

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Argh!!!!! I've been tormented by the loads of work. The probability of getting tongue-lashed by the teacher for not handing up work on time is about 99/100 and the most logical thing to do when you're running out of time is to do blogging? Doesn't quite make sense. A miletone for me today. I've finally completed chapter 1 of my book and its already 8 pages long and over 2000 words. Not bad for a green horn on this. Hehe. Still folks, don't be intimated by the picture of me on the left. Its just an exaggeration on how stressed I am doing work. Hehe.
Destiny speaks, fate executes. All is in the hands of the god.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I'm very busy these few weeks so don't expect me to blog much. First of all, I started on my own novel. Its called "12 things that you have to say to a Jasmine". Obviously just by looking at the name some people will start to question. Yes this in-the-process book is a dedication to my beloved and should be done by the end of this year. My target is 200pages and 150000 words. So please wish me good luck. And also I'm putting up the scores that I wrote for free. Those who wants them please tell me. First come first serve. They are "Jurassic Park", "Stabat Mater Dolorosa", "My Heart will go on", "You raise me up", "Monster Hunter" and "Funiculi Funicula"(under construction). Third thing I am currently pissed off with my project work and I'm on the verge of tearing and eating them up (just kidding I'm the least person you would have expected to blow my temper. hehe). By blogging so much I have already violated the 512th law section 18A; spend more than 5 minutes on http://www.blogger.com.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Guys this is the 100th post so please appreciate it. I am suffering from a fatigue from my band camp yesterday which I went without sleep for more than 38hrs(genuine). We played instruments in the day and played cards and PSPs at night, siok man! And I am desperately finding ways to go back to CCKSS because fortunately but unfortunately my affections are still as powerful as ever. So god bless me in trying to fight my way back. Destiny is not in the hands of the god, its in me.