Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I'm very busy these few weeks so don't expect me to blog much. First of all, I started on my own novel. Its called "12 things that you have to say to a Jasmine". Obviously just by looking at the name some people will start to question. Yes this in-the-process book is a dedication to my beloved and should be done by the end of this year. My target is 200pages and 150000 words. So please wish me good luck. And also I'm putting up the scores that I wrote for free. Those who wants them please tell me. First come first serve. They are "Jurassic Park", "Stabat Mater Dolorosa", "My Heart will go on", "You raise me up", "Monster Hunter" and "Funiculi Funicula"(under construction). Third thing I am currently pissed off with my project work and I'm on the verge of tearing and eating them up (just kidding I'm the least person you would have expected to blow my temper. hehe). By blogging so much I have already violated the 512th law section 18A; spend more than 5 minutes on