Why are we worrying so much about health???
I've thought about this since long ago and I finally realized something. In this world, we are getting too worried about getting killed from cancer or refrain from eating something that is harmful to our lives. However, how many people actually realized that there are so many things that can kill you even before you are awake? Fall-out-of-bed, getting rammed by a cab with faulty brakes. So Why are we still worrying about these small things?
Humans must realize that the very act of living in this world is risky. Its unavoidable. So stop saying about turning in early because it increases the chances of going blind or get cancer when you are old. Humans are not dieties, we will eventually die some day! A person who quits smoking dies earlier than someone who kept smoking, this is a fact. Science can sometimes shock people.
It's not that I diagree that people should not care about their health but they must understand that there are other risks that requires more priorities. Guys, please comment on my post thanks.