Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hi folks I'm flying off again, this time to Cambodia. People say Gods must be crazy but I think humans are more of a bunch of lunatics. Take for example a guy who knew he has a lot of work to do and instead he travels, play and fool around all day. Gods must be crazy????? Eric must be crazy.

7 days before the Malaysia trip 30Nov--> I was supposed to finish at least half of my schoolwork before I go and have fun with my band-its. Instead, I googled and youtubed around for some videos and infos about plane crash. Crazy? Sort of.......

3 days before the Malaysia trip--> I started packing my backpack and luggage. My parents asked me why the rush? I answered 'dunno'

1 day before the Malaysia trip--> I started googling my ass off again. Now my parents know why the rush for backpacking 3 days ago.

2 days after the Malaysia trip--> People say that a person is emotional especially after a trip.......true. I did nothing except running through my photos for like X times. Eric must be crazy.

9 days before my Cmabodia trip--> I had planned to finish at least all of my Econs homework before I go for the trip which I expected it will turn my brain crazy again.

3 days before the Cambodia trip 17Dec--> I went to watch 'Avatar' with Jonathon Cheng. It became the turning point as I slept through the morning of the next day and screwed up my entire plan for completing the work. Not good

2 days before the Cambodia trip--> Bloody hell this is only 11.30 in the morning I just woke up, nothing much to write. Bye for now